Classic Sans Rival Cake by Purple Oven

Classic Sans Rival Cake by Purple Oven

Product Code: classicsansrivalcakebypurpleoven
Availability: In Stock
Viewed 812 times

Product Description

Available Sizes:
8-inch cake

Available Flavors:
Cited as one of Philippine Daily Inquirer's list of The 20 Yummiest (Commercially Baked) Cakes in Metro Manila!The talked about Sansrival, nutty meringue with creamy butter taste.

Shipping Delivery: Metro Manila Delivery Only.

Please Note:
Two (2 ) working days before the desired date of delivery.
Cut-off time at 1:00 PM Philippine Standard Time.
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.
No delivery in this store on every Sunday.

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Classic Sans Rival Cake by Purple Oven

Classic Sans Rival Cake by Purple Oven
