5 Dozen Roses

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5 Dozen Red Roses in Vase


Make someone feel special. This extravagant arrangement of 5 dozen Roses in a quality glass vase is sure to stand out from the crowd.Great for every occasion from anniversaries and birthdays to just saying Thank you. Also a great way to captivate the one you love. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..


60 Yellow and Orange Roses


Exclusive designer heart shape arrangement of 60  Yellow and Orange (or pink)roses - Send this exclusive gift to your loved ones through us Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message...


60 Orange Roses Bouquet


There's nothing bashful about orange roses--and their proud message of new love and excitement will make things perfectly clear when you send these vibrant blooms. 60 orange roses wrapped as a bunch in a fancy orange paper.   Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..


60 Red Roses Bouquet


60 Red Roses - Send double the love and affection with this stunning bouquet of 60 long stems of Red Roses. Flowers delivery to Vientiane city.   Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..


Five Dozen Premium Red Roses


Send these striking bouquets of five dozen red roses to your wife on your first wedding anniversary. Nothing says love better than these breathtaking red roses and your loved one will know it's true. Vase is not included; you can add it from the product options to make a great impression Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift mes..


Heartfelt Luxury Rose Bouquet


They unlock your every emotion. They will always make your heart skip a beat. Offer your heartfelt love with an abundance of our finest premium roses. These extraordinary red and, pink roses, creating the perfect symbol of your love. Vase not included. Purple roses is not available will replace with fuchsia pink roses.   Your purchase includ..


Pink Perfect


60 Pink roses make a beautiful gift for the lovely lady in your life. Wife, mother, daughter or sweetheart, she's sure to cherish this bouquet of pink roses  arranged in a bouquet. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..


Rainbow Roses


A simple 5 dozen roses bouquet of mixed coloured Roses - what nicer way to express your feelings than with this excellent value gift.   Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..


Red Roses Round Arrangement


The splendor for these Roses is Matchless. This magnificence arrangement of 50 Red Roses is a floral triumph and this is a perfect for any occasion. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..


Soul's Splendor


The Soul's Splendor Arrangement is a rich display of the love shared throughout the life of the deceased. Brilliant red roses are elegantly displayed in a white designer plastic urn and accented with lush greens and red satin ribbon to create a beautiful tribute to honor your special relationship. Vase is not included   Your purchase include..


Yellow Handtied Bouquet


As much as I love the yellow For brides wishing to push the boundaries that little bit further, we would champion yellow! It is such a lively, bold colour which would introduce a splash of vibrancy to your wedding day.   Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.  ..

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)